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3 turk saus
Tried some short cycle clean and jerks but the hand and my left shoulder were bothering me a little. Knowing that I really need to work on my presses so that I am not coming out to far and aggrevating the shoulder.
So I did 1 round of 5 double squats with the 35s and then decided to try something new:
2 rounds of: 100 hindu squats non-stop. These were awesome. I'm feeling it in places I…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 31, 2011 at 10:20pm — 4 Comments
3 turkey saus.
cup of blueberries
"salad" with brocc. celery, chicken, cucumbers, tom, handful of sunflower seeds
veggie chips
1 bite of my childrens left over pizza
handful of almonds
chicken burger w/ ketchup and a little mayo
2 slices of cheese (swiss and chedder)
1 1/2 ears of corn
handful of choc chips post workout when…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 30, 2011 at 10:31pm — 2 Comments
Breakfast: Not quite what I would usually eat but needed to get something in me before my workout...1/2 Fiber One bar
Working on my CLJ trying to improve the quality and efficiency!
5 min 50 reps L hand
5 min 50 reps R hand
Then practice more, 3 min sets and such
5 Rounds of 5 double KB squats with 35s
chicken w/ a little mayo, carr, cuc, tom, brocc,
2 slices of…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 27, 2011 at 9:46pm — 1 Comment
3 turkey saus.
2 eggs
cup of blueberries
It was a weird workout day for me. I have had NO energy the past 3 days.....
1 round of 20 squats, 20 ring-rows, 20 sit-ups and 440yd run didn't realize that this wasn't the workout we were supposed to do so decided to do...
300 squats non-stop in 8 min and 12 sec. Next time I will need to use the plates as a guide to help me get a full stretch squat. Probably why I did it…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 26, 2011 at 9:14pm — No Comments
2 turkey bacons
2 eggs with a slice of swiss cheese
Ground taco meat with tom. and slice of swiss cheese
Lemon cucumbers
2 slices of apple
3 sets of double kb squats with 44s-3 reps
2 sets of double kb squats with 34s-6 reps
3 Rounds of:
1 min set of presses with 35 L hand--8-9 reps
1 min set of…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 25, 2011 at 10:08pm — 3 Comments
Rest Day!
3 turkey saus
My "salad"
handful of almonds
Steak, green salad with some yummy toppings, corn on the cob, slice of watermelon, plum
10 choc drizzled almonds
Added by Pam Benedick on August 24, 2011 at 9:57pm — No Comments
1 set of double kb squats with 44s--5 reps
1 set of double kb squats with 44s --3 reps
1 set of double kb squats with 44s --4 reps
1 set of double kb squats with 44s--4 reps
1 set of double kb squats with 44s--3 reps
3 Rounds of:
1 min set of presses with 35 L hand--10 reps
1 min set of presses with 35 R hand--10 reps
Rest 1 min
1 min set of one arm swings with 35 L hand--33 reps
1 min set of one…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 23, 2011 at 9:37pm — 1 Comment
Let me begin by saying....it was one of those days!
5 min LCJ R hand 62 reps
5 min LCJ L hand 6? reps ( I forgot)
Needing to really work on my lockout as some of those reps would be a no count. And I didn't come this far to have any no counts
I was tired today so I just did some stretching/flexibility presses with the 26
Left over egg mix and 3 turkey…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 22, 2011 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments
Normally Sunday is a rest day for me but with my sport class and a new program that I am on I wanted to get in a workout today so.....
I was supposed to be a take it easy day. Even though I used the 18lb kb it still was a good workout!
3 Rounds of:
-2 min press with 18 L hand 30 reps
-2 min press with 18 R hand 30 reps
Rest 1 min
-2 min one hand swing with 18(my hand still has an open sore on it so I scaled back on weight) L hand 68…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 21, 2011 at 9:15pm — 1 Comment
3/4 banana pre-workout
Ran 4 miles (ok peoples, wasn't all running, walked some in there but still had pretty good time(for me) even with the walking that I did) My goal is to run the whole 4 miles, including the hill that has plauged me for FOREVER. I do know that since starting kettlebells my time is better and my endurance is better! YAY!
Salad at Idaho Pizza Company
5 reps of double kb squats with the 35s x 3
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 20, 2011 at 8:25pm — 3 Comments
I'm posting now because Tim and I are celebrating our 12 year anniversary tonight and I plan on using it as my cheat meal!!!! Whoo-hoo! I don't care where we eat as long as they have good fries and I'm thinking that Cold Stone is sounding awfuly yummy!! :)
1 min set presses with 26 L hand
1 min set presses with 26 R hand
Rest 1 min
1 min set one-handed swings with 35 L hand
1 min set one-handed swings wth 35 R hand
Rest 1…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 19, 2011 at 2:23pm — 3 Comments
Had great aspirations for an amazing run 1st thing this morning but did not get my sorry behind out of bed in time so I only got in 1.4 miles. Oh well.....
3 turkey bacons
1 banana (felt it was ok to have this since I had just ran...??)
3 sets of 3 reps of double kb squats with the 44s
2 sets of 5 reps of double kb squats with 35s
100 snatches with 26 50 reps L and 50 reps R non-stop
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 18, 2011 at 11:12pm — 3 Comments
Did not get in a workout tonight. May do a double workout tomorrow to make up for it. Really tired tonight. Been a long day!
3 turkey saus.
banana- I have really cut down on eating these but I really wanted one this morning
Salad with celery, carrots, ham, cheese, egg, honey mustard dipped with…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 17, 2011 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments
200 yd sprints X 5
After that I just kinda killed time until Tim was done....
I think I did 4 rounds of 5 ring rows and 10 push-ups
3 turkey sausages
Salad with chicken, bacon, tom, cheese a little bit of honey mustard dipped with my fork
I had a very sweet person bring me my favorite candy today at work. SUGAR BABIES! Very sweet but not so great for me.…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 16, 2011 at 9:54pm — 1 Comment
3 sets of 3 reps of double kb squats with 44s
2 sets of 5 reps of double kb squats with 35s
5 min LCJ(long cycle jerk) L hand 59 reps
5 min LCJ R hand 59 reps
Enough to qualify me for Rank I just gotta work on consistency and not eeking out the last few reps
3 turkey sausages
Post workout:
bowl of blueberries and…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 13, 2011 at 9:27pm — 2 Comments
Added by Pam Benedick on August 12, 2011 at 10:04pm — 1 Comment
4 min tabata sets of sprints 4x Let me just say that I really don't like sprinting. And to do it for that long was pure torture. BUT....I did it! Good workout!
Break:3 turkey sausages
rasp, blueberries, strawberries
2 chicken sausages
1 slice of swiss cheese
veggie chips
Gound turkey with mixed…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 11, 2011 at 10:38pm — No Comments
Planned on going to the gym yesterday but after my dad had the girls all day while I was at work I could tell he was ready for me to come get them. So for the sake of his sanity and my need for him to watch them again sometime I chose to put that first! Missed not being there though! And since I don't get to go to the gym on Wed since I have to work I did my own workout tonight. Rachel had told me that they had done the 10 min of 300 squats non-stop and so I had to try it.…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 10, 2011 at 10:14pm — 2 Comments
5 sets of 5 Double KB squats with 35s
4 1/2 min Clean and Jerk Long Cycle R hand 56 reps
4 1/2 min Clean and Jerk Long Cycle L hand 56 reps
9 min non-stop.....most I've ever done. The goal is 59 reps per 5 min. I'm almost there!
Presses with 26
Tried some catch and release swings but started to rip some skin on my finger so decided to stop
3 turkey sausages
rasp. blueberries, and…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 8, 2011 at 9:18pm — 2 Comments
Warmed up with a couple of TGU with 35
4 min set of CLJ 48 reps
4 min set of CLJ 49 reps
50 snatches R
50 snatchesL I think it was either 4 1/2 min or 5 1/2 min total....lost track of time
3 turkey sausages
blueberries and strawberries
Skinny Sugar free coffee
almonds and a little…
ContinueAdded by Pam Benedick on August 6, 2011 at 10:39pm — 1 Comment
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