Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

Day 4 of detox:



3 turk saus


small handful of almonds



Large salad with peppor., cucum., brocc., hard boiled eggs, a little cheese, peas,tom., sunflower seeds. No dressing.



Left the house at 4:00 and knew I wasn't getting back until 10 or so, so I went thru the McDonalds drive thru and got 2 burgers minus everything and a side salad with no dressing. Mixed those things together. Not sure if I was breaking any rules with that one but felt good about my decision. Did have a little bit of a hard time not getting fries and a sweet tea but resisted! :)


No workout


Woke up last night twice with a coughing fit. Grabbed a cough drop each time. Went to check the ingredients this morning and there were 3 forms of sugar in them. Sheesh! Sugar is in EVERYTHING! So I guess I had sugar last night but not on purpose!

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on April 6, 2012 at 10:14am

Nope, you did good at Mc Ds! No rules broken. =)

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