Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. www.idahokettlebells.com (208) 412-6079
Idaho Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning July Fitness and Nutrition Challenge 2021 *You can do both or just nutrition. The event lasts the entire month.* For the vast majority of exercisers, the…Continue
Started Jun 30, 2021
Strategies for Success on Any Nutrition Program. 1) You must log everything you eat and drink. No exceptions. If you don’t have an accurate account of what you are taking in, the quantities, and the…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kelley Noe Feb 14, 2015.
As you all know I tell people that if they don't listen to any more of my training or nutritional advice, CUT WHEAT from your diet. Even if you don't do another thing, that will be significant.…Continue
Started Sep 23, 2014
100 H2H Kettlebell swings100 Hindu pushups100 2-arm swings100 Hindu squats *There are generally three levels of workout…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Jim B Dec 27, 2011.
Jim B has not received any gifts yet
Looks like I'm back in business. Spent too long without blogging workouts and nutrition. Yes, I've been documenting every training session, but it's been casually with photos or just jotting down a few notes in a notebook. Nutrition has been the same, but no matter what, logging is really important if you are somewhat serious about keeping things strict.
I tore the shit out of my left medial hamstring exactly a month ago. Whole leg was black from the damage. It took 3 weeks…
ContinuePosted on December 6, 2024 at 10:24am
Idaho Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning July Fitness and Nutrition Challenge 2021
*You can do both or just nutrition. The event lasts the entire month.*
For the vast majority of exercisers, the July Challenge is a more productive month than can be had from any fitness or nutrition program anywhere, at any price. It is totally free to do, but I’ve seen people spend $1,000s in a month’s time for private nutrition and training without the…
ContinuePosted on June 30, 2021 at 3:25pm
IKSC Blog: February 25, 2021
This article on COVID numbers gets blocked out of many health information sources. The numbers you see on the news are meaningless.
https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2021/02/17/how-deadly-is-covid19 ;
White Bread or White Rice? Glycemic Index Telling of CVD Risk…
ContinuePosted on February 25, 2021 at 7:30am
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Thanks Jim! Great to be here. My wife and I met Katie F. at Crossfit. I am a long-time kettlebell guy and am looking into getting certified to teach.
Sweet!! Thanks!!
Finally had time to set up. I'm really looking forward to seeing gains from the muscle building workout.
Thanks Jim. Been on and off the site since the last time I saw you. I have been training pretty hard in my garage torture chamber. I will start posting my training log and maybe even some pics/vids.
Could you please let me know how to get started with you guys? I've never swung that shiney new kettlebell in my picture. I'd rather not hurt myself by cluelessness :)
I live in Boise, btw. Thanks again!
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