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Nutrition Class Alert! Cutting Out Wheat and Gluten: Separating Fact from Fiction about Gluten and Wheat Elimination.

As you all know I tell people that if they don't listen to any more of my training or nutritional advice, CUT WHEAT from your diet. Even if you don't do another thing, that will be significant. -Jim 

$10 recommended donation for the Canyon County Animal Shelter. Let's get as many as we can for this!

Cutting Out Wheat and Gluten: Separating Fact from Fiction about Gluten and Wheat Elimination. 

This one-hour nutrition class will focus on one of the hottest and most confusing topics in nutrition today, cutting wheat and gluten from the diet. The following topics will be covered:

Are grain calories worse for your health than other calories?

“I quit eating bread. Isn't that enough?”

Is the whole “gluten free thing” just a ploy to sell more expensive bread?

Is cutting wheat just for those with certain medical conditions?

Suggested $10 donation to go to the Canyon County Animal Shelter

Class at 11 a.m. at Idaho Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning. 

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