3 turk saus
1/2 bag of caulif/brocc
1/2 avocado
1 amylu chicken burger
3 slices of apple
5 dbl kb squats with 44s
3 min rest
5 dbl kb squats with 44s
3 min rest
5 dbl kb squats with 35s
rest 2 min
5 dbl kb squats with 35s
rest 2 min
12 sets of 6 reps of dbl kb squats with 26s
about 30 sec rest between sets
12 sets 6 reps of push-ups on the ring handles supersetted with double kb bent over rows with the 35s
about 30 sec rest between sets
2 scoops of muscle milk
hotdog at Costco without the bun
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