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12 TGU's
8 with the 25 lb.
2 with the 35 lb.
2 with the 44 lb.
1 with the 53 lb!
210 squats, 790 swings (mixture of hand to hand with the 26, catch and release with the 35, two handed with the 62, 70, and 88), 1750 down for the week, 750 left for the 2500!
Food Log:
2 eggs, 3 turkey sausages
Protein meal replacement bar (left over from our trip), some raw baby…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on December 12, 2011 at 9:11pm — 3 Comments
35 minutes on the elliptial
100 burpees without the push-ups, still rying to rehab my shoulder
A few TGU's with a dumbbell
Food Log:
1 cup of coffee with creamer, 3 turkey sausages
2 muffin sized egg frittatas (very good!!), 3 turkey bacon, large salad with a little ranch dressing and carrots
2/3 apple with 2 tbsp. PB
2 eggs, 3 turkey…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 27, 2011 at 8:14pm — 1 Comment
10 sets of 10 double front squats with the 35's on the minute (about 30 seconds of rest, twice with the full minute of rest so I could run and get a drink of water from the faucet :) )
- I was having trouble with my shoulder today so that I was even having trouble with the 35's so the 44's were not even an option
4 lengths of walking lunges on the soccer field
100 burpees
- 5 on the minute for the first 50
- 10 on the minute for the second…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 25, 2011 at 6:48pm — No Comments
So, I've been slacking :). Not in nutrition or exercise, but in logging, so at least I'm staying on track ;).
20 ring rows
A few double presses with the 26's, I was having trouble with my shoulder today after a burpee managed to tweak it, so Jim had me do 70 double clean burpess with the 35's and without the push-up
A few turkish get-ups with the 35 lb. and the 26 lb.
100 H2H swings with the 26 lb. non-stop
I also did 30…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 22, 2011 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments
Had a great weekend vacation with good eating (and only one cheat meal!) and continued my burpees each day I was gone. I even had a GREAT shopping experience in which I bought some pants 2 sizes smaller than what I started at Idaho Kettlebells, I was a single digit size in pants for the first time I can remember since middle school!! Woo hoo!!! It was great confirmation that changes really are happening when I haven't seen the scale move all that much recently :).
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 15, 2011 at 9:35pm — 3 Comments
10 x 10 of kettlebell push-ups
10 x 10 of pull exercises (bent rows with the 53's and ring rows)
4 - 1 minute sets of crush curls with the 26, and some diamond push-ups in sets of 10
100 burpees (minus the push-ups)
30 minutes on the elliptical machine
1 cup of coffee with 1/4 cup 2% milk and 1 tbsp. sf almond roca flavor, 1 egg, 3 turkey sausages
3 tbsp. PB and 2/3…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 10, 2011 at 7:43pm — 2 Comments
10 sets of 10 double front squats, 4 sets with the 44's, 6 sets with the 35's, less than 1 min. rest
10 sets of 10 elevated sumo squats with the 70 lb, supersetted with walking lunges across the mat and back
35 super burpees
Food Log:
1 cup of coffee with 1/3 cup FF milk and SF torani chocolate syrup, 1 egg, 3 turkey sausages
A few bites of my kids' frozen yogurt at Costco and 1 bite…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 9, 2011 at 7:24pm — 6 Comments
100 burpees without the push-ups this morning
100 kettlebell push-ups (sets of 10)
100 t-bar pulls
5-1 minute sets of crush curls with the 26 lb.
50 diamond push-ups on my knees (maybe a few more?)
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee with creamer, 3 turkey sausages
Apple with PB, some carrots
Celery with PB, a few carrots, 3 turkey…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 8, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments
Burpees without the push-ups
Then I did 100 push-ups (may arms are still pretty sore from yesterday's 100 KB push-ups)
10 x 10 double front squats with the 35's on the minute, next time I will try the 44's, I wanted to start at a level I thought I could do :)
100 reverse lunges
100 squats
20 minutes on the elliptical machine
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee with creamer, 3 turkey…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 3, 2011 at 8:35pm — 1 Comment
20 double kettlebell clean thrusts
20 kettlebell handle push-ups
This counted for my burpees today. I also did about 15 minutes on my elliptical machine this afternoon just for the heck of it.
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee with creamer, 6 (yes 6) turkey sausages. I ate…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 2, 2011 at 8:17pm — 2 Comments
100 burpees this morning!
50 over-head walking lunges with the 26 lb.
50 double front squats (2 sets of 10 with the 35's, 3 sets with the 44's)
50 2-handed swings with the 88 lb.
50 H2H swings with the 44 lb.
50 squats
100 reverse lunges
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee with creamer, 3 turkey sauages
1 apple with 3 tbsp. of peanut butter, large salad with…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on November 1, 2011 at 9:36pm — 4 Comments
35 minutes on the elliptical machine, might try and crank out some more tonight depending on how tired I am. Feels really good to get in some cardio :).
Food Log:
1 cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. of creamer, 3 turkey sausages
3 tbsp. of peanut butter, 1 apple
2 turkey bacon slices
3 pumpkin spice mini-cookies with cream cheese frosting... but they were small...…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 30, 2011 at 5:26pm — No Comments
35 minutes on the elliptical machine on interval training - was going to do my 10 ladders today, but I struggled with a pretty major migraine that took me out of commission this morning so I wasn't able to go.
10 pull-ups :)
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee, 3 turkey sausage
1 apple with 3 tbsp. of peanut butter
1 cup of taco soup
1 cup of taco…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 29, 2011 at 9:36pm — No Comments
I have a busy evening ahead so I thought I would get my blog post on here early :).
21 reverse lunges (each leg)
21 burpees
21 kettlebell handle push-ups
Tomorrow I finish my squat and presses rounds with 10 ladder sets of presses and pull-ups. BUT, then I am done :), woo hoo!!
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee with creamer, 3 turkey…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 28, 2011 at 3:10pm — No Comments
5 sets of 10 double front squats with the 44's
3 sets of 10 double front squats with the 35's
2 sets of 5 deadlifts at 205 lbs.
3 sets of 5 deadlifts at 185 lbs.
I came to work out right after the dentist and the flouride rinse made me feel pretty queasy so I definitely wasn't 100% today.
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee with creamer, 3 turkey sausages
2 eggs, 1 cup…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 27, 2011 at 7:04pm — No Comments
8 ladders with the double 35's sets of 2, 3, 5 with pull-ups, ring-rows, and bent rows with the 53.
Crush curls with the 26
About 30 K2E
Food Log:
2 eggs, 2 turkey bacon, 1 cup of coffee with creamer
Apple with 2 tbsp of peanut butter, 2 turkey bacon
Chicken breast and some celery with a little more peanut butter (This was a later dinner of scrounging around in…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 27, 2011 at 7:25am — 3 Comments
5 sets f 5 dealifts at 205 lbs.
5 sets of 10 double front squats with the 44's
10 sets of 10 elevated sumo squats with the 70
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee
2 turkey bacon
2 eggs
1 cup of cheddar broccoli soup
2 turkey bacon
1 apple with 2 tbsp. of peanut butter
2 turkey bacon :)
Large salad with carrots, celery, some shredded…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 25, 2011 at 9:42pm — No Comments
8 rounds of...
6 double renegade rows with a push-up with 26's
8 sumo dead lift high pulls with the 62
12 push-ups
18 swings with the 62
I didn't have enough time for my ladder sets today, so this had to do :)
Food Log:
2 cups of coffee with creamer, 2 turkey bacon
2 eggs, 2 turkey bacon, 1 apple, 2 tbsp. of peanut butter
A few…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 24, 2011 at 9:47pm — No Comments
Added by Rachel Benedick on October 24, 2011 at 9:09am — 1 Comment
9 ladder sets of:
2 double presses with the 35's, 2 pull-ups
3 double presses with the 35's, 3 ring-rows
5 double presses with the 35's, 5 bent-arm rows with the 60 lb.
Crusher arm thingies with the 26 until my arms wouldn't go... and my until my kids wouldn't sit still any longer ;)
Food Log:
2 turkey bacon, 2 eggs, 1 cup of coffee with creamer
2 turkey bacon, 1 apple,…
ContinueAdded by Rachel Benedick on October 17, 2011 at 7:52pm — No Comments
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