Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Carol Brown's Blog (16)


Finished the challenge this week with 2500 swings. Poor Brent had to listen to all my complaining. Every shrinking fat cell was rebelling this week. I rested today and it seems strange not to be swinging right now. Have 16 days remaining to remedy that. :)

Added by Carol Brown on December 15, 2011 at 8:45pm — No Comments


Still hanging in there. Finished all my TGUs at 1866 for swings this week.

B:scrambled egg with jalapeno, onions, garlic, and peppers and ham slice

L: salmon and chicken veg soup

Snack: almonds

D:Puerto Rican beef with mashed yams

Added by Carol Brown on December 12, 2011 at 9:14pm — No Comments


Finished the TGUs. Did 250 swings.

I placed a kettlebell in the hallway so whenever I walk by I have to knock out 20 swings. Got a lot of swings done today. :)

Added by Carol Brown on December 8, 2011 at 9:25pm — No Comments


Finished the TGUs and 1000 swings this week, Start tackling the 1500 swings tomorrow.

Added by Carol Brown on December 7, 2011 at 10:27pm — 1 Comment


Doing the Turkish get-up challenge.  . .

So far I have done all the TGUs daily and am at 850 swings.

Trying to better track my nutrition:

Breakfast- scrambled egg with onion. garlic, jalapeno, and olive oil , 5 strips of bacon


lunch- 2 bowls of paleo ham & cabbage soup

4pm- 3 80% chocolate squares with almond slices

Dinner 2 servings of meatloaf, sprig of broccoli

Added by Carol Brown on December 5, 2011 at 8:59pm — 1 Comment


6 ladders. Yay!

I think I pressed the 20kg for 23 reps on each side. When fatigued I did the 16kg for a few of the reps.

My arm gave out on the very last rep when I was trying to show Brent so I had to press the very last one with the 16kg.

I'll see how my arms feel tomorrow. :)

I plan to go run a mile in the morning while the family is asleep.


Added by Carol Brown on November 27, 2011 at 6:39pm — 4 Comments


Been a great week of workouts so far. It is nice to have purpose and direction for workouts, despite the busyness of life and especially as we approach the holidays. 


I completed 7 ladders this evening and feel great. I had to wear a wrist guard because my forearm is hurting. I seem to usually have a hangup with my left side in the press, but seemed to get in a groove tonight.


Looking forward to another great workout tomorrow. Must be the endorphins talking.…


Added by Carol Brown on November 22, 2011 at 10:10pm — 2 Comments


Completed seven ladders! Wow.


Added by Carol Brown on November 8, 2011 at 7:52pm — 1 Comment


Started ladders this week!

Saturday: 5 minutes of swings x4. Swinging the 20kg 12-15 reps. Felt great.

Sunday: 5 ladders 1-3 reps 20kg swings 12-15 reps; 12 kg presses

Still insecure about my presses.


Monday: 5 rounds 20 swings, 20 squats, 20 pushups, 2 minute runs.

little weak on the pushups initially then did a mind game of only counting the reps to 5, 4 times. Some how counting to 5 four times made it possible to do the 20 pushups rather than…


Added by Carol Brown on November 7, 2011 at 9:48pm — 2 Comments



rested and forgot my food intake.



24 minutes of sprints

50 situps

100 squats

Food log:

B:egg and 3 strips of bacon

L:slice of cheese pizza (at a lunch meeting)

D:steak and baked yam, orange

Added by Carol Brown on October 28, 2011 at 7:49am — No Comments

Back Again

Been good with the exercise, but not with the posting and typing out my food intake. Will work on it.


12 minutes of sprints

Breakfast: egg and ham slice

Lunch: bananas (x2), chocolate squares and almonds.

Dinner: pork chops



5 rounds: 10 pushups, 15 swings (with 35lb kettlebell, I couldn't find the 26 in our flood chaos),…


Added by Carol Brown on October 25, 2011 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments


All that was provided at the conference:


croissant, ham, cheese, fresh fruit

Green tea



Chicken salad

Spice cake

Fruit jello


On my own:


Grilled chicken salad

3 chocolate squares and 9 almonds



50 squats

20 pushups

20 pullups

25 situps



Added by Carol Brown on October 13, 2011 at 8:11pm — No Comments

Hi Y'all

In Alabama-

Traveled yesterday while ill. :(

Slept too many hours to count on the plane and in the hotel, but I feel much better.


Yesterday: fuzzy


breakfast- none

lunch- stir fry chicken & vegetables, beef broccoli

dinner- Asian grilled chicken salad

snack- 9 almonds and 3 squares of chocolate


Monday- 0

Tuesday- rest


100 squats (0 remaining for the… Continue

Added by Carol Brown on October 12, 2011 at 8:12pm — 1 Comment

Two steps forward . . .

Traveling and good nutrition have proven difficult. Saturday was a nutritional disaster. Had many celebrations for my son winning his tournament events and then visited friends that prepared an unhealthy dinner for us, complete with homemade apple pie. Sabotage!

Was a little better today. Had a special brunch with family and ate a great omelet and fresh fruit. Returned home munching on beef jerky and almonds. Hopefully tomorrow will be better since I am home briefly.

I was able…


Added by Carol Brown on October 9, 2011 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Travel Day

Not a great day of eating, mostly munching while driving:

Breakfast: egg and 3 strips of bacon

Lunch: Coconut larabar, banana, turkey and cheese roll-up.

Snacks: 4 pepperoni sticks (spread out over the day), banana, and coconut larabar.

Dinner: Paleo stew


Happy to find a new use for McDonald's. Every 60 miles we could find one close to the interstate. We would stop to stretch and use the bathrooms. I decided to do a circuit at each stop. I was able…


Added by Carol Brown on October 7, 2011 at 11:53pm — 2 Comments

My first post


This is my first post ever. I am Brent's wife and I started training with Jim last week. I will be traveling for the next several days. I believe this blog will help me be accountable, especially while away from home.

So over the next six days I have to do the following:

300 squats

100 pushups

150 situps

100 pullups

6- 12 minute sprints.

Workout today:

50 squats

20 push ups

25 sit ups

20 pull ups

I was…


Added by Carol Brown on October 6, 2011 at 11:14pm — 5 Comments

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