Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Remembering how Public Logging is so good at holding you accountable.

Sunday 2/15/15

Breakfast: Marie Calendars Brunch Buffet. I was looking forward to this for a long time but was very disappointed. The food used to be great at this buffet but not so much this time. I ate 1/2 one piece of french toast, 1/2 blueberry filled crepe, 1/2 a biscuit with gravy, some hash browns that tasted like they were fried in overheated degraded vegetable oil and didn't even touch my eggs Bene.

Second plate, had fruit - strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple and Mushroom Artichoke Rice with Chicken Breast which was very good. Had Decaf Coffee which was a treat since I don't drink any coffee anymore, and 1/2 an E'Claire

Lunch/Dinner: Roasted Peeled Potatoes, Carrots and Chicken breast with a Basic Green salad with lemon and olive oil with sea salt and pepper for dressing.

Snack: Ground Turkey Quesedilla

Confession: My husband is on two weeks vacation and I am not. This means he's going to be home a lot and trying not to eat easy junkier food like Quesadilla's is hard. He spoils me, so I spoil him with Paleo Feasts usually. But when he's home three meals a day, we usually cheat cheat cheat. Lets hope the next two weeks we stay strong! 

Today - 2/16/2015

Breakfast: banana, Almond Milk, Almonds

Lunch: Ground Turkey Quesedilla with pico de gallo

Dinner: London Broil Steak, Mushrooms, Asparagus, Cous Cous.

Snack: LOTS of Blackberries and Strawberries... they must be in season in South America.

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Comment by Jim B on February 17, 2015 at 8:32am

Ha ha. You can make these private if you want. Or, you can make it visible to only your "friends" on the site and you have to accept them. Having mine public does help me though.

One thing I really have noticed is that my tastes have changed since I eliminated lots of the sugars. Things that used to be really yummy are not any more. Maybe that is the case here. I'm sure it has something to do with the gut biome and what nutrients your body needs/can use.

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