Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


Breakfast: 2 Organic Eggs, PicoDegallo, Tapatio, Tortilla with cheddarcheese,GreenTea

Lunch: Israeli Salad from TraderJoes, 1L Alkaline Water,

Snack:Coconut Chips, Dried Apricots

Dinner: Three Large Carne Asada Tacos with spinach


Breakfast: Left over Carne Asada on a full portion of white reheated rice with spinach, Pico, Tapatio, 1/4 of an avocado, cilantro, Black Tea

Lunch: Coconut Chips and Dried Apricots, Alkaline Water

Dinner: Hoisin/Curry Chicken with bell pepper, asparagus, green onion, celery, carrots, over white reheated rice, fried all up in way too much coconut oil...(had 2 bowls)

Desert: It's-IT

I have been having MONSTER Sugar Cravings. I'M SO addicted!

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Comment by Jim B on February 21, 2015 at 7:20am

Yes. I have actually heard that glutamine was good at that. I almost meant to list that in the list of supps in my sugar class. It is also good for gut health. I think Mg trumps it, and there are soooo many other things that are valuable about Mg and we are almost at a default deficient in it.

Comment by Katy Luetke on February 20, 2015 at 7:45am
I'm three days into supplementing a good magnesium again. Its starting to help relax the crazy nervous sugar cravings...have you read that glutamine helps with sugar cravings? I've seen a little on kinda makes sense...
Comment by Jim B on February 20, 2015 at 7:40am

Try slashing the carbs in the day. I think putting that big bunch of carbs right at the start of your day sets you up for a blood sugar rollercoaster that probably stimulates sugar cravings.

Also, are you getting your magnesium?

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