Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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- Coffee with creamer


- 1 Flourless Oatmeal Pancake topped with a little butter and a fried egg

- 2 stripes of thick bacon (Winco has awesome bulk bacon!)


- Salad: Mix of Romaine salad and fresh spinach topped with half a wedged tomato and a can of chicken mixed with half an avocado, onion powder, garlic powder & pepper (only ate about 3/4 of it)


- Sliced peaches seasoned with ground cloves and ground ginger


- Stalk of celery with almond butter & raisins

- Big handful of Multigrain Tostitos tortilla chips


- 2 big fish tacos with a chipotle, cucumber, yogurt sauce (pluse another half taco on a Carb Balance flour tortilla)

- Big handful of Milk Duds


Note: Learned of an all natural (no HFC, hydrogenated oils, gluten) whipped cream today called TruWhip. It can be found at Albertsons and I can't wait to try it! 

Note 2: My craving for sweets (chocolate, sugary fruits/dried fruit) has been rediculous the last couple weeks and I have no idea what the deal is. Really need to figure out how to get those cravings back under control before I find myself in trouble.



- Rest...

Tomorrow will require some morning sprints and a good upper body workout tomorrow night after the garbage I ate today..barf

Views: 44


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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on August 11, 2011 at 12:29pm

Thanks?! ;)

Eat the Larabars, but save them for after your workout when your body will quickly use up the sugars. =)

Comment by Brent Brown on August 11, 2011 at 10:04am

Wow!  You're observant!  Yeah, I have been trying to cut back on the fruit.  The main problem is that my wife makes really good homemade Larabars, so I probably still get too many dates.  Although she makes them smaller than the store bought version, so at least that is something. :)


Comment by Rachelle Lowder on August 11, 2011 at 7:52am

Thanks for the support guys, you're all awesome. =) And Rachel, now I don't feel as bad! ;)

It's just crazy because for several months I was just fine! Now this last month I must have done something to set these cravings off. Trying to use gum as a distraction helps when I can think of chewing some. LoL!

Brent, it looks like you're cutting back on your fruit intake, that should start to help. I want to say that I read if you aren't eating enough fats, you can start to crave sugar. It could also be due to sluggish adrenals. *shrug*  Either way, sending yourself to the gym to curb really bad cravings isn't such a bad idea! ;)
Comment by Brent Brown on August 10, 2011 at 10:16pm
Woo.. The truwhip sounds interesting.

Let me know if you find a cure for the sugar thing. Such a nightmare. I'm considering a strategy of taking myself to the gym for an extra hard work out when the cravings get bad. Maybe it'll be negative reinforcement. Or at least I'll be in a post workout state if I cave in... :-/
Comment by Rachel Benedick on August 10, 2011 at 10:15pm
On the sweet cravings note: I ate 5 spoonfuls of cookie dough in my freezer tonight so you're not the only one my friend ;).
Comment by Pam Benedick on August 10, 2011 at 10:06pm

Love the "barf"! Good luck on the sprints!!! :)

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