Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Well friends, I hit 265 lbs. on my deadlift, but the 275 just would not leave the ground.  I think I MAYBE got it a 1/2 inch off ground the 2nd try, but it just wouldn't budge.  BUT it gives me something to work towards after my next program. :)  Either way, I added 15 #'s to my one rep max, so yay!


I also did a few presses with the 44 lb., a few turkish get ups with the 35 lb., and a set of double front squats with the 53's.  They are feeling a lot better after working so hard on presses this last month, my arms are much more stable for holding them up!


Food Log: I am going to a wedding this evening so I wanted to get in my day prior to that.


2 eggs, 2 turkey bacon



2 eggs, 2 turkey bacon, the inside of some stuffed pizza my kids didn't eat (a little bit of cheese, pizza sauce, and some pepperoni and sausage, maybe 2 tbsp. worth?  It was actually really good, pizza without the crust :) ), some carrots with 1 tbsp. of ranch, 2 fish oil pills and some calcium supplements


I read today that mixing plain greek yogurt with whey protein powder can taste pretty good, that might be my next lunch time experiement instead of adding the fruit.  We'll see :).

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on October 1, 2011 at 7:53am
265 is pretty awesome,too! Congrats!

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