Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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I've been thinking for awhile now that it would be a good idea for me to have some accountability in my nutrition/eating. And keeping track of where I'm at workout wise is always good too!!!


Workout for 7/19:

The goal is to help strengthen my back and slim down the junk in my trunk! :)

10 sets of 5 reps of double kettlebell squats with the 35lb with 2 min rest inbetween each set.

10 sets of 5 double kettlebell presses with the 26lb followed by 5 assisted pull-ups. About 1 min rest inbetween sets.


Food Log:

Breakfast: 3 Turkey sausages

                1 banana

                 Skinny milky way from Jolts and Juice(rough morning)


Snack: 8 almonds


Lunch: "Salad" consisting of peas, carrotts, kidney beans, tomato, a little bit of cheese, 1 tsp of sunflower seeds, cucumber

          1 med apple

Snack: 10 almonds



          1 small chicken tender grilled

          About 4 bites of steak

          Steamed veggies(broc,carrotts,squash,cauli)

          1/4 cup brown rice

          1 rice cake with smear of peanut butter


Dried fruit yesterday so had to taste my dried mangoes. Not to had about 8 slices of that. Want to not have any fruit after 2 p.m. Read that it's better for your body that way. 

Views: 10


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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on July 22, 2011 at 8:43am
Aww, thanks Pam! I appreciate that...You will do awesome...hope you took before pics! ;)
Comment by Pam Benedick on July 21, 2011 at 10:25pm
Thanks Rachelle! You are an inspiration to me!!!!
Comment by Rachelle Lowder on July 21, 2011 at 8:09am

It's so great you are logging! The accountability certainly does help...and it's nice to get the encourgaing comments from others...helps to keep you going!


3 weeks of those squats & presses/pullups, you will see a difference! =)

Comment by Pam Benedick on July 20, 2011 at 9:07pm
Thanks guys!!!
Comment by Rachel Benedick on July 20, 2011 at 8:16am
Yay! So glad you are joining in the fun ;).
Comment by Brent Brown on July 19, 2011 at 10:59pm
Awesome! That's pretty strong on the squats!

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