Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


3 turkey saus

cup of blueberries (they are gone now so I wont be eating them again at breakfast, going to try and cut down on the fruit intake for awhile (thanks Rachelle:))

Coffee w/ 2 little creamers and 1/2 packet of truvia (Rachelle, good or bad??)



Chicken patty

Steamed veggies(broc, carrots, water chestnuts)




handful of almonds



6 rounds of:

1 min push-press per hand

1 min rest

2 min 1 arm swings per hand

1 min rest


The first four rounds I did all with the 26. After that my hands were pretty shot so I scaled down to the 18 for the two remaining rounds.



Chicken breast

green beans fresh from the garden yum!

2 eggs with some shredded cheese

sliced tomato


Did have one bite of my childs blizzard tonight but proud that I stopped at only one bite!

I am beat tonight! Feeling a little low on energy lately????

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on September 8, 2011 at 8:55pm

You are very welcome Pam! And the Truvia is perfectly fine, at least in my book. I say if you are going to use a sweetener, natural derived ones like Truvia & Stevia are best.


As for the fruit, one strategy that might help you feel less "fruit deprived" is to divide up a serving. Say you have half an orange, apple, cup of blueberries, ect. in the morning and the other half in the afternoon or whenever. That way you are still only having one serving of fruit per day, but it feels like 2. =)

If you are finding yourself frequently fatigued or not having quite enough energy for your workouts (like normal) then you might need to eat just a little more during the day. Especially if your new workouts are more taxing. (Jim if you read this and I'm wrong, correct me) :)

Awesome job today...and even more so for having the control to stop at one bite of the blizzard!

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