Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


3 turkey saus.

cup of blueberries

Skinny med coffee from Jolts and Juice



Chicken burger

Steamed brocc.




Handful of almonds



Hamb patty w/ tom some shredded cheese

A little mayo and ketchup

A sliced cucumber



Rice cake with a smear of peanut butter

5 baby carrots



Press for 1 min per hand w/ 35

Rest 1 min

Swing 30 sec per hand

Rest 1 min

Swing 30 sec per hand

Rest 1 min

Swing 30 sec per hand

Rest 2 min

2 Rounds of:

Press 45 sec per hand

Rest 1 min

Swing 30 sec per hand

Rest 1 min

Swing 30 sec per hand

Press 30 sec per hand

Rest 30 sec

Swing 30 sec per hand

Rest 30 sec

Swing 30 sec per hand


3 sets of 5 double kb squats w/ 35s

40 hindu squats


Views: 14


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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on September 7, 2011 at 7:34pm

Ok, just based on this day alone, I would say this:

1) Less fruit at this point in your game. Try to limit fruit to one serving and preferably after your workout when the sugars are used immedietly. The extra carbs will only work against you. This doesn't include the carbs from veggies of course. 

2) Ditch the rice cakes, they are useless. Instead you could have had an apple with your nut butter.

3) Fats with each meal is good. A little butter on the broccoli would have worked (if you didn't already)

4) If I remember correctly, "skinny" in the coffee world means non-fat, right? How much sugar are in those things? You'd be better of having the fat, but nixing the sugar.


If you have questions too, I would be glad to help you out!


Comment by Pam Benedick on September 7, 2011 at 1:37pm
I'm all ears!! Any suggestions for improvement are always welcome!!! :)
Comment by Rachelle Lowder on September 7, 2011 at 10:22am
Another awesome day, great job! Not to step on toes, but I could offer up a couple small suggestions in regards to your nutrition if you are open to it. =)

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