Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079



-Coffee with sugar-free syrup & half/half

Meal 1:

- More coffee

- Scrambled eggs in coconut oil with grated cheddar (1 egg plus about 3/4C whites)

- 2.5 slices of thick peppered bacon


So... huge confession. After being almost squeeky clean yesterday and only touching one piece of candy, I pretty much bombed today. I had about 15 of those stupid "fun sized" candy bars over the course of the afternoon. Almond Joys, Butterfingers, Baby Ruths, KitKats, Reeces Cups, and 1 baby Tootsie Roll. Ridiculous. SO, because I obviously can't control myself, I told my husband to take it with him when he goes with his buddy to Vegas (BSU game) tomorrow morning or it's going in the trash.


Meal 2 (Post-Workout):

- 52g vanilla whey + 5g glutamine

- 3 tater gems and one chicken dinosaur (off my son's plate after I got home)

Meal 3:

- 1C nonfat cottage cheese with peanut butter mixed in





- 100 yrds Walking Lunges

- 50 Jump Squats

- 50 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls w/the 53

- 50 Hand 2 Hand Swings w/the 44

- 50 2 Arm Swings w/the 72

- 50 Goblet Squats w/the 26

- 50 Overhead Walking Lunges w/the 26

- 20 Double KB Half Snatches with the 18s supersetted with 10 Burpees: 5 sets

(460 Snatches Remain)

- Another 50 Burpees @ home


Views: 42


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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 5, 2011 at 7:33am
Yep, I've decided that is the case here, too. I've tried to think I could build mental strength against it.  But, it's proven me wrong every time. It just can't be in the all.
Comment by Brent Brown on November 4, 2011 at 11:40pm
Yeah, I am totally powerless when that stuff is in the house.  If it's here, I'll eat it.  It's just as simple as that.  So it can't be here.
Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 4, 2011 at 6:40am
Thanks Rachel! I appreciate your support & kind words. It is nice to know I'm also not the only one with the potential to scarf down a pan of brownies! LoL!
Comment by Rachel Benedick on November 3, 2011 at 8:39pm
Oh Rachelle, we all have those days!!! I love your honesty and it is so refreshing to see that we all do those things every once in awhile :). When I make sweets around my house I HAVE to throw out the extras or a snitch here and there and before I know it, half a pan of brownies are gone :).  You still look AMAZING and are an inspiration.

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