Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079



62 lb.X 30

70 lb.X 30


150 squats

150 H. squats

10 TGU (didn't make the whole 19...I have really been struggling with these this month)


cup of oatmeal

2 scoops Jack3d

Lunch:Tilapia Fillet with shredded cabbage, lime juice, Greek dressing

Dinner: cup scrambled eggs and sausage

A couple of Hershey's Kisses (we were putting together gifts for Olivia's teachers)

1500 mg. fish oil

*Hoping to get my energy level back up...I have really been dragging lately.

Views: 42


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Comment by Carrie Smith on December 20, 2011 at 8:48am

Thanks Rachelle!  I will definitely be more conscious of that!  I think the air quality is a big factor as well: it makes me sleepy!

Comment by Rachelle Lowder on December 20, 2011 at 7:19am

If you've been dragging for more than a day or two, you might need to re-examine your calorie intake. With this challenge, you could be doing more that what your body is used to (burning way more calories in a day than you're taking in) and therefore need to up your calories a bit to compensate. When trying to lose weight on top of working out, it's hard to keep your intake in check, but taking in enough calories to have the energy for your workouts is most important. I'd also suggest upping your healthy fats (butter, nuts, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil-unheated) to help with energy. Your body loves fat and uses it for fuel as well. It's not all about carbs. =)

Comment by Jim B on December 19, 2011 at 11:08pm

A good way to stay up on the getups and swings is to keep on the clock. Alternate between one exercise and the next with restricted rest times. Plan out your workout and keep your heartrate up! This challenge is all about work capacity and digging deep.

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