Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Day #2 of Sugar Detox:



3 turk saus


small handful of almonds



amylou chicken patty with brocc and cauli


practiced short cycle and long cycle clean and jerk today with the 44. Did my 1 min, 45 sec and 30 sets. Struggled with my 1 min set today. Not quite sure why...could be the cold I've been battling or something else...not sure. Warmed up with some 1 handed swings with the 26 and ended with a few 1 handed swings with the 44.

Got home and had 1 slice of jerky before my run. Realized after I ate it that the 2nd ingredient is brown sugar so I won't be having that anymore for the next couple of weeks.

Was planning on running 4 miles but had an out of state cousin come tonight so I only got in 2.4



Chicken breast with tomato and a small amount of cheddar cheese over the top


1/4 of a granny smith apple nuked in the microwave with a pat of butter and some almond butter. It wasn't that bad but all I could think of when I was eating it was that it was missing something.....sugar! :)   Oh tasted pretty good without it! :)

Oh....and I did have a couple pieces of gum today. I know this is on the bad list but its something I feel is fine to have. Sue me if I'm wrong!

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on April 5, 2012 at 7:21am

Oh ok!! Well, I'm excited to see what this does for you as well as everyone else who's doing it! =)

Comment by Pam Benedick on April 4, 2012 at 9:36pm

I'm doing level 2 but I'm not eating dairy every day. And that 1/4 of an apple was all I could do. I was stuffed! That's a good thing!!

Comment by Rachelle Lowder on April 4, 2012 at 7:06am

Because you are having cheese you must be doing level 1 or 2? Because you can't have any dairy on level 3.

And yes, I did that with my apples too, but with cinnamon and a little pure vanilla instead of nut butter. You could have had the whole apple, tho. =) Remember, one green tipped banana or green apple per day!

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