Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079




3 turk saus


small handful of almonds



large chicken sausage cut up into lettuce, celery, cucumbers,carrots, tomatoes  (if any of these things are on the no list of food I don't know because I'm having a hard time getting the link to the downloads. working on this)


small handful of almonds


1/2 granny smith apple with 1 1/2 tbs almond butter



3 eggs with sauteed zucc and onion

3 slices of bacon



Went to the chiro this morning. He had to work me over really good and suggested that I take a couple of hours off til I worked out. Planned on going this evening but Tim ended up having a meeting so I wasn't able to come in. So it ended up being a rest day for me today!


So after day 1 the only thing that I missed was my morning coffee. I'll survive!

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on April 3, 2012 at 7:13am

Yes, all veggies are fair game! You might try doing a little pure vanilla with some unsweetened almond milk in your coffee. The vanilla adds a little flavor and sweetness and I think the almond milk mostly adds color. Awesome today! And like I put on Carrie's blog, if it would help, you guys can reference my food logs during my detox for meal ideas. Plus on the facebook page there are a few websites linked with detox friendly links. Let me know if you need help finding them and I can send them to you!

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