Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Gonna try this again.....

As others in the gym are starting their 21 day sugar detox I decided to do hard core paleo for the month of March. I really want something that is dueable and maintainable and doing the sugar detox is great but not a "lifestyle" for me. The two are similiar so it really won't be that much different. I've done hard core before and it has always paid off for me. In the last several months I have become very lax in my eating and am paying for it BIG time. I am!



Green coffee bean extract 30 min before breakfast


3 pieces of bacon

cottage cheese with blueberries

4 fish oil pills



4 tabata sets of:

swings w/53 and push-ups

normally I would have done 5 rounds but these kinda smoked me so I chose not to do the 5th.



1/2 can chicken mixed with avacado, mustard, and greek yogurt over chopped up broc, carrotts and cucumber with 2 slices of fuji apple mixed in


handful of almonds and jerky

 4 fish oil pills



chicken breast cooked with greek yogurt and parm cheese (YUMOLA)

cooked broc and cauliflower


Took before pics this evening. Never an easy thing to do. My goal is these blasted saddle bags. They need to be GONE! They are my nemesis! And to be able to see more muscle definition in my arms and legs.

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on March 5, 2013 at 11:51am

You got this!! And I'm always here for support. =) I like the veggies you added....makes things more filling!

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