Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


3 turk saus


Had a deep tissue massage and chiro. treatment this morning. Really worked me over. Thought that I would be ok to go work out afterwards but soon discovered that my body was telling me otherwise. As I write this I have a heat pack on my lower back. I am SO ready to get all of this worked out so that I can get on with working out hard!

So my workout really wasn't much.....did 3 min sets of LC Clean and jerk with Carrie....then did 100 hindu squats and got in about 2 rounds of 8 double suitcase deadlifts w/ 70s, 25 push-ups on kb handles and walked 3 laps around the field. Also pracitced some cleans.



1 chicken saus

broccoli, carrots, and cucumbers with a little ranch


piece of jerky with handful of almonds



Chicken breast with mashed cauliflower(mixed with greek yogurt and a little ranch) spread over the top

steamed broccoli with a little velvetta melted over the top


small bowl of sf pudding

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on February 21, 2012 at 7:49am

Yeah, that would have been something to run by Jim first since he has experience with the DT massage. I would assume they would want you to lay low for 24hrs and keep hydrated.

I hope you are feeling better soon, but remember when you have an injury, you have to baby yourself a bit. Trying to keep pushing hard will only set you back. We want you healthy in the gym, not forced to sit out! =)

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