Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

2 Lipo6


3 turk saus.

coffee with 1% milk and sf syrup



10 X 10 double presses supersetted with assisted pull-ups

10 sets of 10 bicep curls supersetted with 5 super burpees



2 eggs with slice of swiss cheese

3 turk saus

4 mini carrots with a little ranch



hamburger patty with slice of cheddar and swiss cheese

roasted potatoes



So Rachel and I will be leaving this Friday to go to Disney World for a week. Where I am very excited I am also a little nervous when it comes to the eating part. We are staying in a resort so we will not be able to go to a store to buy food. We are really trying to be proactive in this and take as much as we can. Any ideas on things that we can take (that will travel well in suitcases)     THANKS!!!!

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 30, 2011 at 7:10am

Woo-Hoooo!! Hope you all have an AWESOME trip!

Comment by Pam Benedick on November 29, 2011 at 11:14pm

Thanks for the tips! The article had some good things on it too! DISNEY WORLD......HERE WE COME!!!! :)


Comment by Brent Brown on November 29, 2011 at 10:25pm

Disney World!  So jealous!  :)


Have a great time!

Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 29, 2011 at 7:42am

I think what will really help is to get to know the restaurants around/in your resort as much as you can. Check out the menus available so you have an idea of what choices you have and where you can make substitutions. You can pack most things with you except things like meat, unless you cook it or have it frozen and are able to keep it under proper temperatures until you can get it unpacked at the resort. Anything liquid (jellys, salad dressing, ect) have to be kept under 3.4 ounces. I personally haven't traveled with food, but I know a lot of fitness competitors do.

Here's a website for snack ideas

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