Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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2 Lipo6

Started my day off with a short run and 30 burpees



2 fish oil

3 turk saus

1/2 cup of coffee with 1% milk and sf syrup


1/2 a burger from Red Robin without the bun

about 10 fries with a little O ring sauce

1 bite of my kids birthday sundae



10 sets of 10 reps double kb squats with less than a minute rest inbetween

Walking lunges supersetted with super burpees

finished with hindu squats til the legs would squat no more


2 Lipo6 



This and some of my lunch was my cheat meal for this week

Nachos with sausage and cheese


celery with nutella


Ok, so I bought the nutella today without really reading the ingredients and such and was very surprised to see when I got home and compared it to peanut butter that sugar is the #1 ingredient and that it has way more grams of carbs and sugars. For some reason I was thinking this was maybe a "better" or "healthier" alternative? Can someone fill me in on this?!?!?!  Oh, and it is very delicious though!


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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 14, 2011 at 7:06am

I love Nutella, yummy stuff! But yes, too much sugar.. ;) And, you're welcome!

Comment by Pam Benedick on November 13, 2011 at 10:03pm

Good to know! Thanks! It's a darn shame that it tastes so good!

Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 13, 2011 at 7:10pm

There is a lot of sugar & carbs in Nutella..that's a a big factor in it tasting so good- the sugar. MaraNantha (the brand of almond butter I use) makes a dark chocolate almond butter spread that fairs much better. Only 12 carbs and 9 sugars per serving compaired to the 23 carbs & 21 sugars in Nutella. The only thing that makes Nutella "healthier" than peanut butter is the fact that it's made with hazelnuts. MaraNantha also makes a sunflower seed butter that I've seen at Winco.

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