Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

4/2 workout 10-9-8-7 etc. to 1 total of 55 reps each exercise double thrusters, burpees and pull ups  nutrition tons of water... skipped breakfast, 2 small cups of black coffee, lunch 1 large avacado grilled chicken thigh and leg  dinner/post work out 3 bbq pork short ribs (no sauces just a little salt and chili powder) 5 spears grilled asparagus... why does your pee smell funny after asparagus?? :?

4/3  workout 100 2 handed swings w/32kg 100 1 hand swings w/20kg 100 H2H swings w/20kg 100 catch and release w/24kg  all done on the minute in sets of either 10, 15 or 20  nutrition: tons of water, 2 small cups black coffee lunch 2 bbq pork short ribs 5 spears asparagus  5pm 1 hardboiled egg 1 celery stalk  dinner/post workout 3 scrambled eggs 4 strips bacon (the thin cheap kind) spinach ..

day 2 of sugar detox a success..

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on April 4, 2012 at 7:11am

Awesome job Sophia! I sent you some recipe links to your Facebook, hope they help!

And as for the asparagus...Here's an article explaining that stinky smell. =)

Comment by Jim B on April 3, 2012 at 10:21pm


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