Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

1/17 25 minutes of intensity. 3 rounds of swings pushups goblet squats and long cycle clean and press. Each excersice done for 30 seconds in a progression format.
30 second swing
30 second rest
30 second swing 30 second pushup
30 second rest
30 second swing 30 second pushup 30 second goblet squats
30 second rest
30 second swing 30 second pushup 30 second goblet squats 30 second LC clean n press
Rest 2 minutes and repeat

1/18 8 ladders today. Still using the 20KG for all the presses and one-haned swings however I did have to take an extra minute break at end of ladder 6 and 7.

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