Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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- Coffee with sugar-free syrup & half/half 


- 2 slices of thick peppered bacon

- Spinach Omlette: 2 eggs + 1/2C whites cooked in coconut oil with a handful of fresh spinach thrown in. Topped with grated cheddar and a little salt/ground pepper


- BBQed chicken breast

- Spinach salad with 1/2 an avocado & a drizzle of Ranch


This afternoon I had a box of Mike & Ikes, a Twix bar (candy I'd bought yesterday. At least it's gone now) and a couple handful of chips...yeah...don't judge me ;)


- Whey protein + 5g glutamine

- 4 baby tootsie rolls (for my simple sugars)


- 2 slices of a Totinos pepperoni pizza

- A few pieces of candy from the trick-or-treaters bowl (again...don't judge me..LoL!)


So, today wasn't so much "back to normal" but I'm not stressing it too bad as I know I will recover. I'll have to have my husband hide the leftover candy, tho. ;)





- 50 Overhead Walking Lunges with the 26

- 50 Goblet Squats: 30 with the 26, the remaining 20 as double KB squats with the 26s

- 50 2 Arm Swings with the 62

- 50 Hand2Hand Swings with the 44

- 50 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls with the 53

- 50 Jump Squats

- 100 yards of Walking Lunges (I did 120 yards)

- 140 Snatches with the 26 (840 Remain)


*A great blog on Hunger vs Emotional Appetite

Views: 27


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Comment by Brent Brown on November 1, 2011 at 9:06am
Ah.. Yeah.  That makes sense.  Evenings are my weak point...
Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 1, 2011 at 8:18am
Afternoons for me are my weak point. I think a large part of it is boredom. The teeth brushing trick works when I can think of doing it! Glad you liked the post!
Comment by Brent Brown on October 31, 2011 at 9:43pm
That is a great post.  Thanks!  A trick I use is to brush my teeth.  That's my signal that there's no more eating tonight.  :)

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