Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079



- Coffee with sugar-free syrup & half/half


- 2 pancakes


- Stuffed Avocados: I scaled this down for just one avocado. I didn't make the paleo mayo due to not enough olive oil and didn't have the green onions or tomatoes.


So I succumbed to the sugar demons again today...but not nearly as bad as the last couple days. Also had some chips. Chips are gone and the boy's about have their candy finished up. Need to find a balance so I don't feel so deprived by the weekend and binge like I do. It's not a good cycle to get caught up in.


MEAL 3 (Post-Workout):

- 26g vanilla whey + 5g glutamin + simple sugars


- Cup of nonfat cottage cheese with cinnamon





- 50 Burpees during the first half of the day


- 5 Ladder Sets (1,2,3,4 reps)

  • Single presses with the 35 and the 44 (did over half with the 44) supersetted with pullups

- Snatches supersetted with burpees: 5 sets for a total of 180 snatches and 50 burpees

(660 Snatches Remain)

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 2, 2011 at 7:18am

I don't know what a cake waffle is, but it sounds delicious! For me the sweetness had me sucked in and I was eating candy when I didn't even want it. It's disgusting, really...LoL! I also found that after binging on the sugar I did from Sunday thru yesterday my mood was crap; I was so cranky! It's not worth it.

Thanks for sharing...I certainly appreciate knowing I wasn't the only one lured in by the goodies! =)

Comment by Rachel Benedick on November 1, 2011 at 10:16pm

BTW, this was ME being honest and accountable ;).

Comment by Rachel Benedick on November 1, 2011 at 10:15pm
I ate 5 fun sized candies yesterday. And part of a cake waffle (yes, a cake waffle, and it was delicious!). :) I was able to resist today, but man it sure is hard to recover from that sugar "high."  Great job keeping honest and accountable!!

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