10 sets of 10 double front squats with the 35's on the minute (about 30 seconds of rest, twice with the full minute of rest so I could run and get a drink of water from the faucet :) )
- I was having trouble with my shoulder today so that I was even having trouble with the 35's so the 44's were not even an option
4 lengths of walking lunges on the soccer field
100 burpees
- 5 on the minute for the first 50
- 10 on the minute for the second 50 without the push-up
2 more lengths of walking lunges
Food Log:
3 turkey sausages, 2 cups of coffee with 1/3 cup of 2% milk and a little SF syrup
2 eggs with a little cheese, 3 turkey sausages
2 tbsp. PB and 2/3 apple, a few carrots
Large salad with lettuce, carrots, and a little ranch and one chicken and peppers sausage
I'm hoping my shoulder can heal quickly, it's bothering me quite a bit this evening still so I might need to take it easy for a few days and work on some TGU's to get it back up to par. :(
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