1L/1R - 53#/24kg
1L/1R - 62#/28kg
1L/1R - 70#/32kg
1L/1R - 88#/40kg
1L/1R - 106#/48kg
(Trying to mix things up a bit -- came up with this madness)
5 Rounds of . . .
20 x double 53#/24kg outside leg swings
16 x 62#/28kg hand-to-hand swings
12 x 70#/32kg single-hand high-pull swings (6L/6R)
8 x 88#/40kg swing-catch-and-squats
4 x 106#/48kg two-hand swings
25 x Hindu squats
I'm saving this one and nicknaming it Frankenstein . . . because I started walking awfully stiff-legged after Round 4 . . . 425 brutal, brutal reps -- bringing me up to 1685 total reps to date for the December Challenge.
It's going to be an Epsom salt bath kind of night.
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