Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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I decided since I was throwing everything on the internet that I would include a log of everything I have done since I first started logging my workouts on June 13th, 2011. There is some information missing from the first couple days as I had to go off memory a week into it.

June 13th

70lb Front Squats- 10 sets of 5 (1 minute rest between each set)

26lb Double Presses- 10x5

Pullups- 10x3 (I can do those half pull-ups where you only come half way down. My goal is to be able to do full lock-out pullups)


June 14th

70lb Front Squats- 10 sets of 5 (1 minute rest between each set)

26lb Double Presses- 10x5 (1min rest)

Pullups 10x3- (supersetted with the presses)


June 16th

Missing info...


June 18th

26lb Double Presses 10x5- (1min rest) 

Pullups- 10x3 (suppersetted with presses)

Bent Over Rows w/35 kettlebell- 8x8 (1min rest)

Bench Press w/2 26lb kettlebells- 12, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (with 1min rest) & 2 sets of 4 w/only 30 seconds of rest)


June 19th

70lb Front Squats- 10x5

Reverse Lunges w/26lb kettlebell- 6x16


June 20th

5 Rounds....

Suitcase Deadlifts w/2 45lb kettlebells- 15 reps

Double Cleans w/2 35lb kettlebells- 12 reps

Double Kettlebell Squats w/2 35lb kettlebells- 9 reps

Double Presses w/2 26lb kettlebells- 6 reps

(1 round was done all with 2-26lb bells, but I didn't put them down once during that round)


June 21st

35 Hindu Pushups- Broken into sets of 5 (1st time trying these)


June 23rd

50 Hindu Pushups

50 Pullups

300 Squats


June 25th

70lb Double Front Squats- 8 sets of 6 (1min rest between each set)

Walking Lunges w/2 20lb dumbbells- 70yards x2

100 Bodyweight squats


June 26th

26lb Double Presses- 8x6 (1min rest) 

Pullups- 8x3 (suppersetted with presses)

Ring Rows- 6 sets of 8 (10 reps last round)

Hindu Pushups- 6 sets of 5 (supersetted with Ring Rows- 1min rest between sets)

Bent Over Rows w/26lb bell- 5x10

Close Grip Pushups- 5x8 (supersetted with Bent Rows- 1 min rest between sets)


June 27th

5 Rounds...

20 Double Kettlebell Thrusters w/2 26lb bells

20 Sumo Deadlift Hi-Pulls with 53lb bell

Tabata Bicep Curls with 2 8lb dumbbells (1st 20seconds with 15 pounders)- Just for fun after end of the workout


June 28th

70lb Double Front Squats- 8 sets of 6 (1min rest between each set)

Reverse Lunges- 6x8 (1min rest)

Hindu Pushups/Pullups- 5x5/3


June 30th

88lb Double Front Squats- 8 sets of 6 (1min rest between each set) (Yay, I could finally up weight!)

Walking Lunges w/2 20lb dumbbells- 70yards x2

4 minute Tabata- Ring Pulls followed by Pushups


July 3rd

26lb Double Presses/Pullups- 8 sets of 6 & 3

Bent Over Rows- 6 sets of 10

Hindu Pushups- 6x10 (Supersetted with Rows)

Crush Curls w/26lb bell- 10, 8, 6, 6, 4 (arms were fairly fried after the Row/Hindu Pushup superset)


July 4th

88lb Double Front Squat- 7 sets of 7 (90sec rest)

Walking Lunges w/2 20lb dumbbells- 70yards x2

Hamstring Curls with ball- 6 sets of 12


July 5th

26lb Double Press/Ring Pulls- 7 sets of 7 each (1min rest)

35lb Bent Over Rows- 6x8 (1min rest)

Hindu Pushups- 6x8 (Supersetted with Rows- 1min rest)



I didn't list it each time, but I always do just a 1 min rest between each set. Sometimes a bit less. Sometimes slightly more.


The purpose of the way my workouts have been structured the past 2 weeks is to help put on muscle, which I have. Come this Saturday will be the end of the 3 week run and I will move on to something else for different goals.

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on July 7, 2011 at 3:46pm
Thanks so much Brent!
Comment by Brent Brown on July 7, 2011 at 2:36pm
Wow! That is some serious weight on the squats.  Impressive!

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