Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079




- Cup of Coffee with 1.5T of Italian Sweet Cream creamer


- 1 whole egg with 3 egg whites (I use "All-Whites" or Walmart brand) topped with 3 tomato slices and pepper  


-Supplements: Mulitivitamin, DHEA, Ginseng, Green Tea capsule  


-Can of tuna (in water) mixed with 1T mayonnaise, 2 sliced stalks of celery, raisins & crushed walnuts

- 1/2 a banana


Protein Smoothie: 1/4C Coconut Milk, 3/4C Almond Milk (ran out of coconut), heaping scoop of Vanilla protein powder, bunch of cinnamon, 1/2 medium banana & ice (only about 230 calories)

-Supplements: Mulitivatmin 


-2 slices of Sara Lee Mulit-Grain 45 calorie bread and almost 2T almond butter

(I normally don't eat bread, but am having reoccuring issues with hypoglycemia today and got desperate)


-Protein shake with 1T brown sugar (post-workout)


-2 fillets of Mahi Mahi

-1/4 cup of wild rice w/spinach

(Ate a little more than usual today, body was demanding the extra nutrition)


-Will take the following supplements: Biotin, Zinc & Melatonin



-88lb Front Squats: 7 sets of 7

-Lunges with 2 25lb dumbbells for 100yards

-Push Presses with 45lb kettlebell: 5 sets of 5

-103lb Front Squats for 2 reps at the end of the workout. Could have knocked out a couple more, but quads were already quite fatigued.  

*Being able to hold well more than half your body weight in front of you and squat with it is badass in my opinion. Big difference between holding the weight in your hands in front of your chest and throwing it over your shoulders on a bar.



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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on July 8, 2011 at 9:36am

Brent- World Kettlebell Club sells 50k kettlebells. A couple of those would mean for some serious front squats!


Jim- Thanks!

And I try to keep that in mind when I have days when I feel like eating everything in the house. ;)

Comment by Jim B on July 7, 2011 at 11:08pm

Nice job today! The extra appetite means you are building muscle.


I'll get those videos up as soon as I can.

Comment by Brent Brown on July 7, 2011 at 10:20pm
No doubt on the half your body weight thing!  If I could do that, I'd be stoked!  Not sure they make kettlebells that heavy tho... :P

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