Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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I'm going to make more of an effort to watch my protein intake and keep it around one gram per pound.  I've been reluctant to use much whey because I can't seem to find a straight answer to whether or not it causes too large of an insulin spike.  That fact that it does spike insulin seems to be universally accepted.  The effect of that spike on leaning out seems to be less clear.


However I am starting a new three week ladder program and am going to need all the recovery help I can get.  Also, while I have not yet reached my ultimate body composition goal, I have leaned out sufficiently to be happier with my appearance.  So I am willing to spend a few weeks on a science experiment.  I'm going to hit the whey heavy for the next three weeks and see what happens.



  • Six ladders of
    • 1-3 strict presses
      • First and second set @ 24kg
      • Third set @ 20kg
      • I was happy with about 25% of the presses. About 50% had a little bit of cheating. 25% were flat out push presses.
      • But... This is a big increase in weight and it is improving. I'm happy with it.
    • 10 two-handed swings @ 24kg


Previous Night's Sleep:

  • 9 hours



8:00a - Noon:

Three Lipo6 black caps

Two eggs, onions, peppers, olive oil

Three strips bacon

Small apple

50g Optimum 100% Vanilla Whey

1000mg fish oil, Opti-Men multivitamin

One NOW Glucose Metabolic Support cap


Noon - 4:00p:

Bacon, tomato, lettuce wrap


Black coffee

0.5oz 85% dark chocolate

50g Dutch Chocolate MRM Metabolic Whey mixed with cold black coffee. Quite good. :)

1000mg fish oil, Opti-Men multivitamin

One NOW Glucose Metabolic Support cap


4:00p - 10:00p:

Two scoops Jacked3D

60g AfterGlow (20g protein)

Crock pot chicken & onions

Large yam with butter

1500mg Bulgarian Tribulus,

3mg melatonin

30mg zinc, 450mg magnesium, 10.5mg vitamin-B6 (ZMA)

One NOW Glucose Metabolic Support cap


Views: 23


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Comment by Brent Brown on October 19, 2011 at 9:09am
Thanks to both of you.  Good tips!  It's fun to geek-out on this stuff.  :-D
Comment by Jim B on October 19, 2011 at 8:18am


Try putting a scoop of cinnamon in the protein. It is known to help curb the insulin spike, if you are worried about it. I try to avoid insulin spikes early in the day, so that is why I usually throw a teaspoon of it in my protein 1st thing.

Comment by Rachelle Lowder on October 18, 2011 at 8:05pm

Awesome job on the presses!

I have been using whey protein pretty much since I started with Jim back in February; generally just a scoop post-workout. Sometimes I will use it as a snack during the day as well. It hasn't affected my ability to change my body composition at all. After a good workout, your body will snap up the sugars/carbs from the whey anyway. =)

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