- 3 eggs scrambled in a little butter; salt/peppered
- 2 strips of bacon
- 1C full fat cottage cheese, cinnamon, ground walnuts, about 1/2C frozen mixed berries & a serving of extra dark chocolate chips. Nuked for almost 1 minute
- Handful of plain almonds
- 10 slices of pepperoni
- A few handfuls of tortilla chips
The rest of the evening took a dump. Had a couple slices of homemade pepperoni pizza and 4 pieces of candy (oh and some chicken breast off a whole roasted bird). That wasn't what did me in. It was the cookies that someone my husband knows that were dropped by. *sigh*... On the up side, I should sleep well tonight. =)
- None...
** Tomorrow I will be starting a November Burpee Challenge. 100 Burpees each day on top of my normal training for the whole month. This week I will start off with the full 100 each day, but starting next Monday I will be starting a new program that should be pretty taxing so I may only do 50 burpees on my training days and the full 100 on the off days.
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