Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079





- Cup of coffee with a "single serving" white chocolate mocha creamer


- 3 eggs scrambled in butter

- 1 slice of spelt bread with butter & cinnamon

- Another cup of coffee with a little creamer


- Can of chicken breast mixed with a little mayo, 2 sliced celery stalks, a handful of walnuts, ground pepper & garlic powder

- 5 steamed broccoli spears with a little butter & a light sprinkle of salt


- 24 raw almonds


- Protein Smoothie: 1C unsweetened almond milk, 25g vanilla whey, 1/2-3/4C plain greek yogurt, coconut extract, banana extract, ice

6:40PM (Post-Workout)

- Handful of small red grapes


- 1/2lb grass fed beef patty seasoned with a little salt & pepper on lettuce with a smear of mayo, tomato, pickle, mustard & 2 strips of bacon



Decided to keep the most accurate count I could on my carbs today. With the spelt bread, it put me thisclose to 100g carbs for the day. To risk going over 100g is not acceptable for me right now. So, while I thought I could get away with one slice of the spelt bread per day, it's not going to work. It would require me to track my carb intake which I hated having to today...what a pain in the butt!


Another thing...I might have to do away with my beloved greek yogurt. I've noticed the last two days that I've had it, it's caused some bloating. Now that could have been the nuts & seeds from the trail mix I added to it yesterday, or the alcohols from the extracts I used today... I have a bit more ruling out to do to know for sure...






6 Rounds:

  • 5 Double Kettlebell Front Squats. Then immediately into...
  • 8 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
  • 1 minute rest between rounds

Then 6 Rounds of:

  • 5 Double Kettlebell Cleans. Immediately into...
  • 5 Burpees
  • 1 minute rest between rounds
I did 2 rounds of this. First round I used the 53s for the squats, 2nd round with the 44s. I did all my swings with the 62lb bell and all my double cleans with the 44s.



(I first posted this on FB today...but thought it deserved a 2nd posting!) =)

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on September 30, 2011 at 9:02am
Thanks Jim. I really was...It was an awesome way to shake up a routine!
Comment by Jim B on September 29, 2011 at 11:23pm
Nice job on that tough workout today! I could tell you were smoked at the end.

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