Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079




- Cup of coffee with 1tsp sugar-free vanilla syrup + unsweetened almond milk

- 1- 2.5mg yohimbine hcl capsule + 1- 250mg niacin capsule (pre-cardio)


- 25g vanilla whey + 1/2tsp cinnamon

- 1 banana


- 2 eggs + 1/2C whites cooked in coconut oil & topped with Tapatio


- Large chicken breast, drizzled with Ranch dressing & oven baked. Placed on a small handful of fresh spinach

- Sweet potato fries dipped in a little Ranch

MEAL 5 (Post-Workout):

- 25g chocolate whey

- 1/2 a banana


- 1C nonfat cottage cheese with some almond butter mixed in





- Sprints on Treadmill

  • Warm Up @ 3.5mph on a 0% incline for 5 minutes
  • Sprint @ 8mph on a 5% incline for 10 minutes
  • Walk at 3.5mph on a 5% incline for 5 minutes (Felt light-headed after my first set of sprints and my heart rate was extremely high...Will have to start taking the yohimbine without coffee)


- Double KB Presses Supersetted with T-Bar Rows using a 45lb plate: 10 sets of 10

  • First 5 of each set of presses were done with the 35s, remaining 5 were done with the 26s

- 200 Snatches with the 26 (1,800 Remaining)


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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on October 25, 2011 at 7:16am
We have made sweet potato fries before, but the ones I had yesterday were the last of a frozen bag of waffle fries I had lying around in the freezer. So, not "all natural", but they were super filling with my chicken! I actually bought some sweet potatoes last night that I will try to find a good way of making some into fries with. =)
Comment by Pam Benedick on October 24, 2011 at 10:18pm
At first when I read that quote I thought it said Ralph Machio! :) Did you make your sweet pot fries or are they frozen? Just curious as I love sweet pot fries and am always looking for healty ways to prepare them!

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