Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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- Cup of coffee with 1tsp sugar-free caramel syrup + 2T 2% milk

- 1 Yohimbine HCL capsule + 1 250mg Niacin capsule (pre-cardio)


- Protein Smoothie: 1C unsweetened almond milk, 25g chocolate whey, 2tsp peanut butter extract, 1/2tsp vanilla extract, 1/2 a small banana, 1/2tsp cinnamon, 1tsp psyllium fiber, water & ice  


- 1 egg + 1/2C whites cooked in a little butter & topped with some Tapatio

- 1 plum


- Double Bacon Burger Salad: Spinach, romaine, two beef patties, 2 strips of bacon, a little grated cheddar, tiny smear of mayo, drizzle of ketchup & mustard 

6:45PM (Post-Workout)

- Caramel Apple Protein Pancakes: 1/4C egg whites, 1 scoop vanilla whey, 1tsp cinnamon, 1tsp psyllium fiber, 1/2tsp baking powder, 1/2tsp vanilla, 1.33T sugar-free caramel syrup, 1 grated apple- pressed between paper towels after grating to remove some moisture. Makes 4 small pancakes (These are my own creation)


- A porkchop cooked with cauliflower, broccoli & a can of tomatoes (Again, husband had it ready when I got home..I'm going to have to start wrapping these yummy meals up for the next day. Can't keep doubling up like this! LoL!)





- Sprints on Treadmill

  • Warmup @ 3.5mph & 0% incline for 5 minutes
  • Sprint for 10 minutes @ 8pmh & 5% incline: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
  • Walk @ 3.5mph & 0% incline for 5 minutes
  • Sprint for 10 minutes @ 8pmh & 8% incline: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
  • Cool Down @ 3.5mph & 0% incline for 3 minutes, 3mph for 2 minutes


- 8 Rounds...

  • 8 Suitcase Deadlifts with 70s
  • 6 Renegade Rows w/Pushups- Used the 44s
  • 5 Pullups

- 160 Snatches with the 26 (2,500 Remaining)

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