Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079




- Cup of coffee with a single serving creamer


- 1 egg + 1/2C whites cooked in coconut oil with ground pepper & 1/4 of an avocado

- 2 slices of bacon


- 3/4C butternut squash

- Large chicken breast oven cooked in a foil pouch seasoned with Mrs Dash Southwestern Chipotle & lemon juice on romaine with 1/4 of an avocado, one roma tomato & ranch dressing


- 1 egg + 3/4C egg whites with 1/2C lowfat cottage cheese, nuked in the microwave with a little butter & seasoned with ground pepper


- 1/2 a 37g chocolate protein shake (I gave my son the rest after his Taekwondo class)

6:45PM (Post-Workout)

-  "Tone It Up" Protein Pancakes: While these are great for breakfast, I decided they would be just as great as a post-workout snack due to the combination of protein & carbs. I use psyllium fiber instead of flax seed (don't have any) and don't add any extra fruit as a topping. Today I added 3 pineapple rings with the mashed banana to the mixture and 1/2tsp of vanilla. Recipe makes 4 small pancakes (or two huge ones!). (I premade these in the morning, so they'd be ready to go with me to the gym)


- 1/4lb beef patty on romaine with a tiny bit of mayo, ketchup, mustard & 5 pickle chips



As of the last 3 weeks, Thursday has been made my "Wild Card" day where I get to do whatever workout Jim has concocted for the day as opposed to my usual split routine, since Thursdays are the odd day of my training week.



- 7 Rounds

  • 7 Suitcase Deadlifts with two 70lb bells
  • 7 Double KB Thrusters with two 26lb bells (should have used the 35s)
  • 7 Straight Toes-To-Bar
  • 7 Hindu Pushups (on a 4in board)

3 minute rest between round 1 & 2. 2 minute rest between the rest of the rounds

- 200 Snatches: 1 set of 10 double KB snatches with the 26s, the rest as singles (3,300 Remaining)


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