- I have to say this...if you have been eating clean for long enough and you stray too far, your body has a way of bringing you back...thru a little punishment that is. =)
- Cup of coffee with a single serving creamer
- 25g vanilla whey with 1/2C unsweetened almond milk, 1/2C coconut milk & cinnamon
- 1 fresh plum
- Two Super Stars w/Cheese from Carl's Jr (had a BOGO coupon), with no condiments/sauces and I picked the buns off. Essentially, it was 2 patties, 1 1/2 slices of American cheese (the other half of one was left on the top bun & in hindsight should have said no cheese since they use processed crap), lettuce, tomato, onion & 3 pickle chips per burger.
- Medium Iced Tea
I'd like to know the nutritional breakdown after omitting all the garbage considering the burger, when eaten as sold, is 940 calories, 59g of fat & 59g of carbs. I was surprised to learn I downed 96g of protein between both burgers..
- 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil, topped with ground pepper & 2 small sliced tomatoes
- 1 mozzarela string cheese
- Handful of raw almonds
- 1C of 4% cottage cheese mixed with a sliced small cucumber, a sliced small tomato & ground pepper
7:30PM (Post-Workout)
- 25g vanilla whey
- 4 fresh plums
- 1/2C plain greek yogurt with 1tsp sugar free cheesecake jell-o pudding mix and a splash of coconut milk (to thin things back out a bit)
Today is the start of the Snatch Challenge which entails 5,000 snatches in 5 weeks. I will do a minimum of 142 snatches each day.
- Snatches: 1 set of 20 p/h with the 35
- 2 sets of 20 p/h with the 26 supersetted with 10 pushups on kettlebell handles
- 1 set of 11 p/h with the 26 supersetted with 10 pushups on kettlebell handles
- Ring Rows supersetted with hindu pushups: 4 sets of 10
- 142= 4,858 Snatches Remaining

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