Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079



Since about 2am Saturday morning, my weekend as been a bit full of garbage food. Started out with a 2am McDonalds run after a night of drinking, then there was lunch at McDonalds Saturday and Little Ceasars pizza for supper. Today I had a yummy burger & fries at The Ram for lunch during a nice outing with my husband before he's gone for Texas all week (boo). There was also some cottage cheese with pineapple, a protein shake with a banana & Cheetos in the mix. Oh and a couple chicken nuggets, too. My digestive system hasn't been too happy with me, not to mention I'm retaining serious water right now. SO, my plan is to attempt a liquid only diet tomorrow. Some might not agree with that, but I feel my digestive tract needs to be able to flush itself out and rest a bit.


On another note: Now that the bikini competition I entered is said and done, I thought it would be fun to compare pictures from way back in June when I first started documenting my progress (& training to add muscle) up until my photos for the competition. I'm quite happy with the progress I've made so far and as long as I can keep up the momentum (and get back on solid track with my nutrition), it will only get better. =)






TRAINING (Today Only):



- 8 Ladder Sets: Presses done with the 35 & 44

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Comment by Jennifer Ludington on October 9, 2012 at 2:33pm


Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 14, 2011 at 7:09am

Well, he missed his flight this morning, so I have him for one more day...yay! But yes, the rest of the week is going to no gym time (there goes my sanity...LoL!), so I'll have to compromise at home... =)

And thanks so much, Pam!! I love it too. =)

Comment by Pam Benedick on November 13, 2011 at 9:59pm

Sorry you are going to be husbandless for the week. So not fun!    Your before and after pics are AWESOME! Amazing definition! LOVE IT! Congrats on fantastic results from all your hard work!

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