Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

* Week 1 of the sugar detox, complete!! Doing awesome so far with cravings reduced. 

10:30AM (Post-workout)

- 1 Granny Smith apple

- 5 slices of deli turkey


- A big beautifully seasoned New York steak

- Sliced Jicama tossed with lime juice, meyer lemon juice & salt (snacked on these off and on throughout the afternoon)

*This was when my husband teased me with his Corona's....grrrr


- A BBQed chicken leg


- 2 sweetener free chocolate almond butter cups (These were a recipe in the detox manual. I made them as a treat for completing the first week of the detox. They weren't too bad)


- A BBQed drumstick

- A can of yellowfin tuna with lime juice



- Warmup with 6min solid of long cycle press with the 26

- 10 Rounds

  • 5 Double KB front squats: First 5 sets with the 44s, Second 5 sets with the 35s
  • 5 One-Legged Rows per leg with the 44

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