Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


Breakfast (Post-Workout):

- Protein Pancakes cooked in "butter" spread, topped with a small sliced banana & drizzled with sugar-free maple syrup. I doubled the protein and ground oats & nixed the stevia


- Christmas Family Dinner with my side of the family....Had ham, roast beef, green beans, sweet potatoes and salad with thousand island dressing. Passed on the yummy looking rolls that were the size of my head..LoL! Also partook in some peach cobbler. At home I got naughtier with some goodies sent home as a gift and a leftover Cinnabon cinnamon roll


* I switched up the weekly number of swings for the month so I'm doing the bulk of them while the TGU numbers are still low. 2500 swings for this week (Dec. 8th-14th). 


- 11 TGUs with the 35 & 44

- 440 varied swings with the 35, 44 & 53. Also subbed with BW squats and a few jump squats (1340 Swings Remain)



- Cup of coffee with sugar-free vanilla syrup


- 3 eggs cooked with about 3oz ground maple sausage


- Can of chicken breast with olive oil mayo, celery, cucumber, walnuts & raisins

- 3 slices of fresh pear

Dinner (Post-Workout):

- 10oz beef patty (pre-cook weight) seasoned with salt/pepper on a few iceberg leaves smeared with a tiny bit of mayo (about 1/2 tsp) and drizzled with ketchup & mustard

- Small sweet potato with "butter" spread & cinnamon


- Tiny Fuji apple, sliced, sprinkled with cinnamon & dipped in crunchy almond butter



- 12 TGUs with the 26, 35 & 44

- 480 varied swings with the 26, 35, 44 & 53...About 40 of them as BW squats (860 Remain)

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on December 13, 2011 at 10:23am

Thanks Brent!!

Comment by Brent Brown on December 12, 2011 at 8:56pm

Great job staying strong at dinner!  

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