Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079




- Cup of coffee with a little unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon and a little Stevia (not nearly as good as creamer)


- 1 egg with 3 large whites, cooked in 1tsp coconut oil and topped with some shredded cheddar

- Small ham steak


- Can of chicken breast mixed with a little mayo, garlic powder, ground pepper, cumin, grated parmesan and a small handful of walnuts. Divided among 2 red lettuce leaves


- Yogurt with trail mix added


- Protein Smoothie: 1C unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein, teaspoon full (eating spoon not measuring spoon) of almond butter, unsweetened cocoa powder, a little sweetened coconut flakes, coconut extract, 1tsp psyllium fiber, ice

6:30PM (Post-Workout)

- Scoop of vanilla protein

- Power Bar "Pure & Simple Energy Bar": Cranberry Oatmeal Cookie (forgot to pack a carb and grabbed this at Maverick on the way home. Was hoping they'd have bananas but no luck. 10 grams of sugar & 23 carbs. Contains no HFC and nothing "artificial")


- Cheeseburger salad

- Ear of corn with salt & butter





- 100 Double KB Cleans with the 35s Supersetted with 100 Hindu Pushups on the 4" board

  • These were broken into 10 sets of 10 with a 1 minute rest between sets
(Ripped my left palm on the 9th set of the double cleans...Hope to get that healed up as quickly as possible)


- Bicep Curls with 15lb dumbbells: 4 sets of 10 (as a finisher to the workout)


* Came across a great blog on head games while living a healthy & fit lifestyle

Views: 32


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Comment by Brent Brown on August 31, 2011 at 9:11am
Double eeek!  It's an epidemic!
Comment by Rachelle Lowder on August 31, 2011 at 7:00am
Thanks guys. Luckily I don't won't be doing anything that requires that kind of friction again for a while. Hope you have a speedy recovery too, Pam!
Comment by Pam Benedick on August 30, 2011 at 10:25pm
Awesome job today! I also ripped my palm, but mine was the left. Bugger!
Comment by Brent Brown on August 30, 2011 at 10:06pm
Eeek..  Hope your hand heals quickly! :(

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