Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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- Cup of coffee with creamer


- Oatmeal pancakes topped with butter and a small amount of homemade apricot jam

(I make them using oatmeal ground in my coffee grinder, cinnamon, salt, 1 egg, egg whites, a scoop of vanilla protein, psyllium fiber, baking powder, vanilla, almond milk & coconut oil)


- Cheddar cheese Omlette: 1 egg & 2 large whites, bunch of shredded cheddar, cooked in butter


- Left over BBQd pork dipped in a little spicy honey bbq sauce

- Side salad of romaine, wedged tomato slices, 1/4 of an avocado, ranch dressing


- 3 skinny stalks of celery with almond butter and 10 raisins each

6:45PM (Post-Workout)

- Scoop of vanilla protein with 1tsp pysllium fiber and a half scoop of a post workout product I don't remember the name of

- Small Fuji apple


- 4oz of Sole, seasoned with a seafood blend and cooked in coconut oil

- Italian blend veggies with butter and a little salt

- A couple small pieces of my youngest's chicken





- 100 Double Kettlebell Front Squats (first 3 sets as 12 reps, 5 as 10 reps, final 2 as 7 reps)

  • First 52 squats done with the 44s
  • Remaining done with the 35s
  • 1 minute (max) rest between each set

- Walking Lunges: Didn't keep count, but there were a lot of them

- Russian Calf Raises: Walked the soccer field four times with two 26lb bells for a total of 305 steps

*This marks the beginning of a new 3 week upper/lower body program designed to ruin me. Those squats tested me on a whole new level.

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on August 30, 2011 at 7:18am
You're not kidding! ;)
Comment by Brent Brown on August 29, 2011 at 9:43pm
Wow! You are the Queen of squats!!

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