Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


- 3 eggs scrambled with butter & 1T nutritional yeast (I've been using this in my eggs almost every day since last Tuesday); seasoned with salt & pepper

- Some leftover ham


- Half a cup of coffee with vanilla & unsweetened coconut milk (didn't sleep well last night and was still yawning by noon)


- Double bacon cheese burger with a portobello "bun" with a little mayo, ketchup, mustard pickles & baby spinach


- Kale chips

- Handful of almonds


- 2 eggs whipped with a little heavy cream & scrambled in butter

- 4 pork sausages

*I did also have some easter candy today....





- Protein Smoothie: An Atkins Cafe Caramel shake (I had a couple left over from months ago) with half a scoop of chocolate whey and a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter

- 1 pork sausage


- Cucumber cups stuffed with tuna salad: Salad consisted of a can of tuna, mayo, green onion & 1/4 of a granny smith apple

- About 1/2C of plain Chobani greek yogurt with cinnamon and a handful of tropical trail mix stirred in (this was mainly a few pieces each of papaya, banana chips, pineapple and macadamia nuts)


- Some BBQ pork rinds


- Half a small bag of broccoli slaw with a can of chicken and a homemade asian dressing

- A small bowl of sweet potatoes that had been baked with cranberries and walnuts

- 2 bites of a pancake (apparently, if you mix the batter until just combined, you avoid activating the gluten in flour..I feel like this was something I should have already known and maybe I did at one time.)



- Double KB Thrusters and Pullups for 40 min (Easy Day)

  • 5 Thrusters at the top of one minute (alternated the 35s and 26s each round)
  • 4 Pullups at the top of the next
  • Repeat cycle for 20 rounds...

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on April 11, 2012 at 8:04am


Comment by Jim B on April 10, 2012 at 9:34pm

Pork rinds rock!

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