Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


- Protein pancakes: 1/4C whites, 2T unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1 scoop of vanilla protein, 1tsp cinnamon, 1tsp psyllium fiber, half a mashed banana. Cooked in coconut oil and drizzled with a little natural table syrup

- 3 pork sausages


- A couple plantain chips


- A big salad consisting of iceberg salad mix, baby spinach, baby carrots, baby portobello mushrooms, black olives, red bell pepper, 4 small boiled eggs, a grated Parmesan/Romano cheese blend & buttermilk ranch

6:45PM (Post-Workout)

- 21g chocolate whey + 5g glutamine + 45g simple sugars


- A bowl of shredded cabbage with chicken, black olives, fresh ginger, garlic, and a tiny bit of dry ramen with a homemade Asian style dressing



- Quick mini warmup of 20 2-arm swings with the 53

- Deadlifts @ 195lbs for 5x5 w/a 2min rest between rounds

- Double KB Front Squats w/the 53s for 5x5 w/a 2 minute rest between rounds

- Double KB Presses w/the 35s supersetted with pullups for 5x5 each w/a 1.5-2min rest between rounds

- Mill Press w/the 18s for 5 minutes straight @ 12 reps per minute

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