Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


- 3 small BBQed chicken breast fillets

- A small salad of iceburg lettuce, calamata olives, a torn slice of fresh mozz & a light drizzle of evoo & red wine vinegar

- One bite of a banana and about 1/2C fresh pineapple

(Very abnormal breakfast, I know. It's what sounded good)


- Salad consisting of spring greens, 4 small chicken fillets, a roma tomato, a few calamata olives and dressed with a mixture of 2T evoo, the juice of one meyer lemon, ground pepper, garlic, basil & oregano


- A tin of sardines in hot sauce (first time ever having sardines because, well, eww! But I have to say, I actually liked them. In the hot sauce at least!)


- Lo Carb Monster

7:30PM (Post-Workout)

- An Annie's Organic Chocolate Chipper granola bar (Target was giving out reusable bags with samples on Sunday for Earth Day-this was in there)

- A big bowl of leftover spaghetti squash with meat sauce and a chopped up leftover BBQed hamburger patty. Melted 2 small slices of fresh mozz on top (only ended up eating half...just wasn't that hungry)



- Deadlifts at 185lbs for 5x5 (Haven't done them in about 6mos so we need to start off light and work back up to avoid injury)

- Front Squats with the 53s for 5x5 :Haven't done these in about 6mos as well. Was surprised and happy I could still do them although I didn't look attractive in the process. LoL! But as the saying goes...

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on April 24, 2012 at 8:17pm

Thank you Carrie!! And you'll do great. =)

Comment by Carrie Smith on April 23, 2012 at 9:34pm

I love your saying!  Good job on the squats, I am going to be doing more of those myself! :)


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