Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


- A scoop of chocolate whey mixed with about a cup of coffee and unsweetened coconut milk

10:05AM (Post-Workout)

- 1 large banana, quartered and 3 small strawberries, halved, dipped in a cup of Greek yogurt mixed with half a packet of stevia, 2T unsweetened coconut and 1T dark chocolate chips


- Chicken and shrimp with green bell pepper, asparagus, squash, onion & garlic with seasonings (stir-fry style)

- About 1/2 C of rice pilaf

- A few cucumber slices


- Dinner at Solid!

  • Blu Idaho steak salad: Grilled, sliced medium-rare steak over mixed greens with tomatoes, gorgonzola, fried sweet onions and blue cheese dressing (This was delicious and perfectly filling). My husband had a sesame crusted raw ahi salad of which I sampled. It was equally as good.
  • A glass of wine

**I also had one margarita on the rocks during the concert- sipped on over the course of a couple hours


- 2 slices of Idaho Pizza Co pepperoni and mushroom pizza

Note: I've introduced Greek yogurt and cottage cheese back into my diet this last week as a protein source and for variety. Unfortunately, after having no significant amounts of dairy aside from a little cheese and some ice cream for over a month, it was easy to notice that dairy in the above forms do not agree with me. A little cheese seems to be fine, as well as my whey protein, but anything else produces digestive issues. Huge bummer... =(


8:10AM (Heavy weight day)

- 5 Double KB Thrusters on the top of one minute with 4 Pullups at the top of the next

  • Repeat for 20 rounds (40 minutes)
  • Rotated the 26s, 35s & 44s




- Cup of coffee with one scoop of chocolate whey with unsweetened coconut milk & unsweetened almond milk


- 1 egg + 1/4C whites cooked in butter and put over 2 small peanut butter/banana pancakes


- 4 shredded & seasoned BBQ pork tacos on small corn tortillas cooked in a little coconut oil, with lime juice, shredded romaine &  hot sauce


- A couple pieces of BBQed skirt steak


- 1 all beef wiener


- Spicy pork rinds

- A handful of almonds

**No Workout

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