Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Eleven Pounds of Inflammation and Water Weight: TRAINING AND NUTRITION BLOG: 10/02-10/03



4,800 LEFT.


First of all, let me begin by saying that I do not have a weight loss goal, or I would not have been eating or drinking any of this stuff at all. I have actually been dropping about one pound per week for the past month, and have been monitoring my weight so I don't drop too much more.

I have been keeping a very strict diet for quite some time now, but allow myself one meal per week where I eat anything I want.

Right before I left the gym on Sunday (about 12:30 p.m.), I weighed myself at 228lbs. Up until that point I had only had about 50gr of whey protein, 2000mg of fish oil and about 1/2 gallon of water.

About 230pm I had about five strips of bacon, two small tomatoes, one broccoli crown with Ranch dressing, and a big handful of raw almonds.

Since my little sister was in town for her birthday, we had them over for dinner and grilled a whole bunch of grassfed hamburgers. I had one, wrapped in lettuce and some salad.

Jennifer (my sister) brought some Widmer ale over, and I decided to indulge in two India Pale Ales (I love, love IPA) and most of a Hefeweizen. So, about 36oz total of a thick ale in all.

My other sister, Jacqui, decided to mess with me and my paleo nutrition and brought a package of powdered donuts with raspberry filling. She dared me to eat one. I totally took her up on it and ate two. I also polished off an Idaho Spud bar (sugar bomb). I haven't eaten anything like this in a long, long time.

About 7 a.m. today I tried to down some protein and some fish oil capsules. I noticed before that that I had the worst case of acid reflux and my eyes and face were puffy. After downing the protein, I immediately threw up violently. I felt absolutely awful. I looked in the mirror and noticed that I had huge circles under my eyes and my face looked pale and felt as big as a basketball. Of course, no one looks their best immediatley after vomitting, but I was so swollen. I continuted to feel absolutely horrible throughout the day: No energy, slow thinking, and a slight headache.

Now, I weigh enough that 36oz of beer is not enough to cause a hangover of this magnitude. I would probably feel it, but not to this degree. I can drink a lager beer, wine or shot(s) of tequila and not feel it at all. But, none of those have the amount of wheat and grain that these thick ales do.

When I got to the gym this morning (about 7:20 a.m.), I weighed myself on the same scale I had the day before, wearing clothing and shoes almost identical to the day before. My weight?


11 pounds of inflammation and water weight. I thought there was something up with the scale, so I weighed again. Same result.

I immediatley began drinking as much water as possible, probably a little over two gallons by day's end.

About 2 p.m. I ate 1/2 of a large avocado with lemon and cayenne pepper, about two ounces of BBQ pork jerky, one large broccoli crown with lemon juice, two small tomatoes, 2,000mg of fish oil, 2000 i.u. of vitamin D and a multivitamin. I also ate a whole large orange.

About 5:30 p.m. I weighed myself, after hydrating well and taking two scoops of Nutrex Hemo Rage with creatine. My weight had dropped to 235.

By 9 p.m., after drinking another gallon of water, and eating a banana and 25gr of whey protein postworkout, I was down to 233. Six pounds lighter than first thing that morning.

For dinner tonight I ate about 12oz of steak, 2,000mg fish oil, and 1/2 of a large pineapple, with some roobios tea to fight the inflammation and allergic reaction.

This was the worst reaction I have ever had to sugar/grains, and I rarely consume this stuff. I can't totally explain all of the reasons for this huge reaction, but the scale sure didn't lie.

All I can say is that humans are not built to ingest grains any more than a horse is built to eat bacon, and it goes without saying that all the sugar in the alcohol and donuts is poison. I would venture a guess that many people who eat and drink these things on a regular basis are carrying around this type of inflammation every single day without realizing it.

Idaho Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning

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Comment by Brent Brown on October 4, 2011 at 7:51pm
Wow!  That is quite a reaction!  No wonder so many people are so sick... :(

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