Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


Eating up the rest of the Fage yogurt, blueberries and some truvia

3 turkey sausages


Apple post-workout



Large green salad with chicken, cucumbersm tomaote, broccoli,used up the rest of some mozz. cheese I had  Did not put on my usual peas and kidney beans like I usually do....:(



Fage yogurt with truvia



Was at Costco so I got a hotdog without bun tonight. Prob not the best but you do what you gotta do!



7 sets of 7 reps double kb squats with 35s

7 sets of 7 reps double kb presses with 26s supersetted with pull-ups

tried some of those bar twists....I liked them!

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on August 3, 2011 at 7:30am

Aren't those bar twists fun?! Not to mention a mad ab/arm workout.

And considering it's Costco, you could have done much worse than a hotdog, so don't sweat it.=)

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