Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

Day #20 of detox:



3 turk saus



1/2 can of chicken w/ avacado and mustard and a little parm. cheese


4 baby carrot with a little almond butter



"Taco Salad"  lettuc, cheese, avacado, tom., ground beef with no seasoning homeade salsa w/ no added sugar


1/2 granny apple with about 1o almonds


Had our competition this morning. Have to say I am a little disappointed in my numbers. Not so much the snatch since I really haven't been practicing that but way disappointed in my long cycle clean and jerk. I know that I can do much better than 104 reps. But 3 ripped places on my hands slowed me down. Oh well....there's always next time! Proud of Carrie, Tara and Sophia! Everyone brought it hard and did awesome!

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Comment by Jim B on April 22, 2012 at 4:18pm

The videos take over an hour to load and process each. Just spent 3 hours straight on them today and I think I've had it for the moment. I have to enjoy a little of this weather too!

Comment by Pam Benedick on April 21, 2012 at 11:05pm

Yep, like you said a learning process. I just know that I could of done better so trying not to beat myself up to much about it! :)   Can't wait to see the videos! The will be great learning tools!

Comment by Jim B on April 21, 2012 at 10:59pm

It is taking forever to convert and upload those videos.


You did great. Your snatch video looks amazing! I am not happy with the events in this competition. I realize Why the WKC does the short cycle jerk with the snatch in the biathlon. The hands just won't take it. I am sorry I didn't forsee that. I guess it is a learning process for all of us.

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