Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

120 burpees done 1st thing this morning


3 turk saus


coffee with creamer


HOLY MOTHER OF.....this was one of the toughest workouts for me in a long time. Which really surprises me since it really doesn't look that hard on paper. Don't know if its a combination of all the burpees or what but it kicked my batooty!

10 Rounds of:

10 ball slams(substituted these for hindu push-ups #1 because I suck at them and #2 because I did not want to do one more push-up for the day)

15 double kb swings outside the knee with 26s

20 hindu squats


Large salad with veggies


Cheat meal at Golden Corral   

It has been a long time since I have left a meal feeling like I was going to explode. DO NOT LIKE THAT FEELING! And to think some people visit that place on a regular basis. Our once a year visit is just fine with me. So I feel blah tonight and will probably tomorrow too.

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 9, 2012 at 6:48am

Yeah, ball slams backed with swings is a definite metabolic challenge.

It's funny, I've been feeling weak during my burpees in the morning but my evening workouts have been great.

I'm horrible at buffets and feel like I need to eat my money's worth. I agree it's a terrible feeling to have anymore and I try to avoid it.

Hope you're not feeling too bad today! =)

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